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There are some cosmetics that I actually don't like

I'm not always a huge fan of everything cosmetic. There are some things that I don't use and sometimes hate. This may make me a bad person....but....I am trying with some of it. After all, I'd be broke if I used it all....

Here is what I cannot stand/ don't use...
 Body Lotion - I cannot stand the feeling of having cream on my skin. I hate it. I used to use the Body Shop Body Butters which I find really greasy. I've never thought my skin needed cream. I've not used it for years and I'm perfectly happy without it. I've been thinking should I, recently but I still can't change the fact that I hate the oil on my skin.
 Hand Cream - I'm only recently starting to use this. I put it off for years thanks to the cream/oil on skin feeling. Now, I realise that at 30, I should be using it. Oddly, my mother who doesn't use any cosmetics or skincare (and has naturally great skin) always used hand cream. True that she gardens a lot so her skin could need it from that but I always remember her using hand cream when I was little. I never got on with it. I've got two I really like at the moment but I am not at the stage of keeping it in my handbag yet or taking it on holiday with me. If its there, then I will use it.
 Perfume - I know. I know this is odd but I'm not pushed. Mind you, in saying that, I've worked in enviroments where the perfume is provided for me for the past six years. It's not a stretch to say that you don't mind perfume when it is something you don't have to think about. No wonder! I do have three perfumes from Jo Malone. Something that just happened rather then me saving up money for them. I don't really know why. I'm just not that bothered. I know what I like in perfume and what I don't but I find perfume so dull to shop for. I am never that pushed about it!
 FOOT ANYTHING - I am so bad to my feet. I mean really bad. They seriously need some looking after. I have the worst feet. I'm on them for eight hours a day and walk everywhere in bad footwear. So naturally, my feet are falling apart. I just forget they are there really. I forget about my feet. Mind you, if I cannot be arsed with body lotion then is it a shocker that my feet get forgotten about?
EYE CREAM - This is pure guilt. I know I should be using this. I'm 30 now and prone to all the bad things. I need to be using an eye cream. However.....I'm lazy and particular about eye creams. I need one that sinks immediately into the skin and doesn't leave an oil on the skin because it runs into my eyes and hurts. I'm a giant child. I need safe products!

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