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Polish Days: MAN-icure

You may have already heard the term Movember combining the words men and November. It is a wonderful month long event to raise awareness for men's health such as prostate and testicular cancer. According to Wikipedia, Movember started when a group of young men decided to raise awareness by growing moustaches during the month of November. Moustaches have since become the symbol of Movember.

It is only fitting then, that this month's theme for Polish Days is a MAN-icure to honor the event or the special men in our lives. I toyed with the idea of just doing the iconic moustache, but ended up with something a bit different and personal for me...

When my parents first met they lived in cities which were hours apart so they didn't get to see each other very often. On one date my mom mentioned that she liked men with facial hair and to her complete surprise the next time they got together he showed up sporting a moustache and goatee. The goatee eventually turned into a full beard which he has had as long as I can remember. In fact there is only one time that I can remember him shaving it all off and it was quite traumatic for me. I was about six or seven and came home to find my dad looking like a complete stranger with no facial hair. I broke down in inconsolable tears. It is still a big joke in the family, he is not allowed to shave it off. Hence why my manicure says I love men with beards and moustaches... Here is to their health!

For the manicure, I started out with a base of Zoya Kristen then stamped and added a few details...
Index finger: Stamped with Shany plate SH16 using Wet 'n Wild Black Creme and KleanColor Metallic Fuchsia. Accented with a peridot colored rhinestone.
Middle & Pinkie fingers: Stamped with Cheeky plate CH16 using KleanColor Metallic Fuchsia and accented with a fuchsia heart rhinestone.
Ring Finger: Stamped with Shany plate SH03 using Wet 'n Wild Black Creme. Using acrylic paint (black and white) I added hair, ears, and beard shading...

As a side note, I've noticed that the KleanColor metallics stain the silicone of my XL stamper, so be warned if you choose to get them for stamping. They seem to do find with other stampers...

While waiting for the polish to dry to stamp, I figured snapping a few new swatch photos couldn't hurt. Zoya Kristen is a soft shade of gray with a blue tint. The formula on this is creamy and very nice, full coverage in just two coats. On the nail it is slightly brighter and the blue is more prominent than in the bottle. Swatches are with no top coat...

Swatch Details
Brand: Zoya
Color Name/Number: Kristen, ZP591
Number of coats: 2
Top Coat: No

Free of Formaldehyde, Toluene, Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP), Camphor

I would love know what you think of this manicure!

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

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