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Weekend Affair~

It's been a while since i did something fun...
I have been cooped up in my room for a long time just working that i have been so stressed out. This weekend i was able to go all out & do some shopping. Retail Therapy at its finest! hahaha!

Nah,i'll not do a haul post today but just to do some heads up for the things that made me giddy. First up is when i get to meet a very dear friend & blog reader last Saturday. I went to the Hero Face-off event just to see Angel.

We've been talking for like time immortal so i was so looking forward for the meet-up. She cosplayed as Enma Ai of Jigoku Shoujo. She looks beautiful,no?

I'm so glad that u was able to meet you,sweetie!
Hope we could meet up again.

Last Friday, i dropped by Shiseido to get my Summer Skincare Set...

I was able to get the prize that i got from StrawberryNET too!

I need to have my camera checked & cleaned already so pardon me for those specks of dirt. I don't have a freakin' idea how it came to be this dirty since it's always on my bag.

Another thing that made me really happy was because i was able to purchase a book from one of my favorite authors! It was so good i finished it for less than a day! If you love romance novels, you have to check out Bertrice Small!

Why is it so hard to look for books from her& Kathleen Woodiwiss here in the Philippines?
That's another thing that most of you don't know about me. I do love to read Romance Novels so much that i am really running out of space already. That's the reason why i am already thinking of purchasing Kindle.

Maybe you're thinking "no polishes?"... lol!
I'll be posting polishes & nail arts for the next couple of weeks so just for now i'll keep this post polish-free!

Have a great week,ladies!
Jaa ne~!

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