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11 Simple Tricks To A Long And Happy Marriage

Marriages may be made in heaven, but as all of the mortals bound in this very real bond are aware of, they require work in real time. And because it’s a human endeavor, there are bound to be a few hits and a few misses as well. You may forget an anniversary or two, he may forget to do the laundry, but these are forgivable offenses. After all, it is human to err.

Marriage is a long commitment, and in order for it to age well, it requires both the parties to work at it. And some couples managed to do it beautifully, making it seem like a piece of cake. So we asked a few such golden couples around us as to what makes their marriage such a golden affair, while others languish in the conjugal jail. Having collected those pearls of wisdom from those masters of the matrimony, we decided to disseminate them among our dear readers. So whether you are a newly-wed or a pro at this marriage game, you’d do well to keep these tricks in mind, to achieve a long-lasting and happy marriage:

1. Be Nice To Each Other (Especially When You Don’t Want To)


You know when you want to say mean things to each other in an argument? Or when you really want to pinpoint each other’s mistakes? That’s exactly when you should bite down on that instinct and find it in you to be nice to each other. That little kindness goes a long way.

2. Do Not Live In The Fairytale

Do Not Live In The Fairytale


Fantasies exist in the realm of the imagination for a reason. He might not get you flowers every day, you might not always wait on hand and foot for him. And it’s okay, but what is not okay is to nurse such expectations. Unrealistic expectations often lead to resentment which is not a great thing for a marriage.

3. Carve Out Time For Romance


Life often gets in the way of romance, but don’t let it hold you back. Take an initiative to carve out some time for just the two of you, away from the kids, in-laws, and responsibilities. It will make you remember why you got together in the first place.

4. First, And Foremost, Be Friends With Each Other

First, And Foremost, Be Friends With Each Other


It is often said that relationships that are built on the foundation of friendship last a long time. Before thinking of your partner as the husband or the wife and assigning them responsibilities and expectations associated with that role, think of them as your friend. Especially in moments of strife, remember that it’s not you versus them.

5. Remember To Laugh


After all, we are not here for a long time but for a good time, right? Well jokes apart, humor is a tool that you must have in your conjugal toolkit. Why? Because if you can’t take a stray comment in your stride then your spouse will always feel like they have to walk on eggshells around you. Laugh off his digs (maybe give him one back as well) to show that you are a fun and carefree spouse who doesn’t take themselves too seriously.

6. Speak Well Of Each Other

Speak Well Of Each Other


You might feel the need to vent out about your spouse after you have had a fight, but while you may forgive and forget about that, the person (especially if it’s your family member), to whom you have said those things, won’t. Let your personal issues stay personal.

7. Division Of Labour


Most of the fights that happen in a marriage are because of an uneven division of labor. Instead of doing all the work by yourself, and then resenting your spouse for not helping out, why not chalk out a plan that works for both of you. Try this, and you will definitely save yourself from a few ugly fights.

8. Do Not Underestimate The Power Of Touch

Do Not Underestimate The Power Of Touch


A simple hug, holding hands while on a walk; these simple gestures go a long way in making your spouse feel loved and cared for. These are some of the most simple ways of maintaining intimacy and expressing your affection for your partner.

9. Do Not Dig Up The Past


Let bygones be bygones. Find it in yourself to rise above old fights and arguments. It’s not fair to your spouse if you use old fights as weapons in a new one. If you do that, then you are holding them hostage to the past. Instead, if you have been unable to resolve an old issue, then talk it out with them. You can even seek the help of a counselor to do so.

10. Give Each Other Space To Decompress

Give Each Other Space To Decompress


Always remember that you and your spouse are individuals, who also have a life beyond the one you share with each other. So give each other some time to decompress as you deal with that facet of your respective lives.

11. Do Not Use The “D” Word As A Threat


Do not use divorce as a threat to get your way out of a tight spot. Unless and until you really mean it, do not employ the threat of divorce as a control strategy in argument, rather seek to resolve them through other means.

These tiny tips can go a long way in ensuring your marital bliss. So incorporate them in your life and reap the benefits. Do you have any other tips to ensure a long and happy marriage? Share them with us in the comments section.

The post 11 Simple Tricks To A Long And Happy Marriage appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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