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Getting ready for a party

Well it's the last day of the old year, 
2011 was not the year I expected or wanted, 
so I am pleased to see it finally go.
I am very lucky, I have a great family, with daughters and grandsons, we have had a  close family Christmas, and tonight we have friend's coming here for a small party. The food is ready, as is the wine, I just need to go and get ready.

I do not make resolutions for the new year, but I have promised myself this is the year where I have my final operation, I then will raise my fitness, and lose those extra pounds I have put back on, just to get me back to where I was a couple of years ago, and to get out and live my life again.

So to my blogging friends
I wish you a happy healthy New Year
with the promise of great things to come.

See you all next year!

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