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it is dark and quiet

I am the first one up this morning.  I hear my dog softly snoring, I am looking forward to my cup of coffee I will brew here in just a moment.  Yesterday was one of those days that I was all too happy to see come to a close.  Actually this entire week has been rough.  There have been some great moments of happiness, but by and large it has been a heavy, trying week.  The weight bears down upon my shoulders and it feels too much.  I let it press me all the way down to my knees and I pray...

Dear God,
You are awesome and full of wonder.
Show me Your wonder.
You are full of loving kindness and mercy.
Show me how to be full of that too.
You are the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
Create within me a clean heart.
You are the storehouse of my salvation.
Renew a spirit of joy within me.
You are my shield and my buckler, my fortress.
Teach me how to take refuge in You.
You are gracious and just.
Teach me how to act justly and speak graciously.
Your love is patient and kind, it never fails.
Show me how to love like that.
You have a plan and a purpose for everything.
Teach me to trust in You.

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