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November Challenge Day 11

Here it is, 11:30 in the evening once again. This one will be short and sweet. The challenge today was to share our outfit of the day.  That isn’t hard for me at all. I wore a light blue dress with a little white flowers on it. Early this morning I wore my snow boots when I went for my mammogram and to take Chloe to the vet and then for her walk. Most of the day however, I wore my slippers and my knitted worsted weight socks. I also had my head covering on. I wear the same type of thing most days.  I have seven dresses that I choose from every day. It sure makes getting dressed easier in the morning than when I had a lot of clothes to choose from. I like this much better.  I also have six sundresses that I wear in the summer, made with the same pattern, just with no sleeves.

Thank you all for your kind wishes about the mammogram and Chloe. I arrived bright and early at the hospital this morning and was done and headed home in less than 15 minutes. I have to say, mammograms are much more painful since I got my pacemaker. They had to take seven different pictures on that side and only two on the other side. Of course the side with the pacemaker is the side that I have three lumps so they have to do extra pictures every year to see if they have changed from the year before.

Chloe had her tests and we were told it will probably be 2 to 3 days before we hear the results. She did great. Then I took her for a walk when we got back to the park and she ran through the snow covered field like a puppy and rolled in the snow. She amazes me.

This afternoon I went to our storage unit and brought back two totes of winter decorations. Mainly my stuffed snowmen and some candles. I also set the nativity scene up on our dresser in the bedroom. It may seem a little early, and I have never, ever put winter things out this early, but with all of the snow, the fall decorations seemed a bit out of place. And I just wanted the cheerfulness of the happy little snowman around me!  Apparently it is a thing this year, and people are decorating for Christmas early just to have some cheerful things around. It helps with being cooped up inside so much. Mandy and Piper put their Christmas tree up last weekend!

I started knitting this matching scarf tonight to go with the hat that I made yesterday. They are both for a Packers fan and I hope he likes them.

I know that I am a little late and Veterans Day is almost over, but I want to say thank you to all the veterans out there. I would like to say a special thank you to my Dad who served in the Navy in World War II.  My brother Roger who served in the Navy during the Vietnam era.  My brother-in-law Mike Danahy who served in the Army.  All three of these men have now passed away but I am grateful for them and their service to our country.

Also, a very special thank you to my husband Dennis who served in the Air Force. Many of you also have spouses and relatives who served in the military. If they are still here please tell them thank you for me. I am grateful to all who have sacrificed their time and their lives in order to guarantee for the rest of us the freedoms that we all enjoy.

And now, I am off to bed. I am wishing you all a good night.  Several of you are facing the hurricane and it’s effects tonight and tomorrow.  I want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you.

Blessings and love, 

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