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Things Around Here...

3rd of September, 2 weeks after moving home and we are finally re-connected to the net! I have to say that apart from the irritation of numerous frustrating phone calls to our service provider, we have managed quite well without permanent access to the net. I have become aware however how very reliant the whole world is on it. Just about everything you need to do uses the Internet as the first port of call. Scary!

I've had a few comments and a question on my September plans post so I thought I would answer the question in a bit of detail here:

Nicole in MD said, "I love your seasonal lists! I wonder, how many of your goals do you usually accomplish?"

Nicole I actually get quite allot done. When I plan I try to keep it all "doable". I feel that there is no point planning to do something if it is unattainable or costs an absolute fortune. In the 'Arts, Crafts & Nature Activities' heading we will accomplish all the nature study we certainly wont get all of that done but rather anywhere from 1 to 3 activities will get done. I intentionally put more activities than we would ever be able to do in this section so that we can pick and choose which ones appeal to us most.

But the food, decorating, seasonal and liturgical observances, school, & home and garden plans will all get done. For example, already I have crossed the spring bulbs off my list and the veggie patch weeding and composting. Other things on the planning list such as the Folklaw and Nature areas are really there for me to get a feel for the season and casual observances that I have made over the years and a reminder to keep a look out for those things again.

Little 'happy' things from the last few days...

My daughter made me a new charm to decorate my Filofax - I just love her little fimo charms, they are so cute.

Yesterday the postie delivered the most wonderful surprise...

my dear friend Jenny very kindly sent us the most beautiful flowers and card to welcome us into our new home. I have to say that we have received a few cards from friends and it really has touched my heart. It has made such a difference to finding peace and joy in the midst of what is a stressful life event. It's knowing that there are people who care and have taken the time to let you know that they care. A small thing perhaps in their lives but a big thing in the receivers life. So thank you to my lovely friends, you know who you are.

A few days ago we were sitting outside in the sunshine, we have had some lovely late summery days of late, we noticed one of our cats staring intently at something on the ground. We moved in to have a look what interested her so...

So sweet :) - any ideas on what butterfly this little fellow will change into?

Well my lovely friends, that wraps up today's post. I shall see you back here very soon.

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