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Westworld 3.7: M vs. D

We finally get a full-fledged woman-to-woman or host-to-host one-on-one battle between Maeve and Dolores in Westworld 3.7 tonight, although it's not really one-on-one since drones and whatever machines the two can control are brought into the fray - and, who knows, some might even have minds of their own - and the resolution hinges on a red button a one-armed Dolores presses (a drone shot off half of her other arm), which renders her and Maeve unconscious just as Maeve was about finish her.

It's hard to keep count, but I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have been the last Dolores around.  Charlotte is still alive, though she is apparently no longer an ally with the primary Dolores, after following her commands got Charlotte's beloved family and nearly Charlotte herself killed last week.  But killing our Dolores would certainly have put a crimp in her master plan, with Caleb, for example, even now not fully cognizant of what Dolores has planned for him, at least not as insofar as we the audience have seen.

She apparently wants and expects Caleb to lead the human race, as she tells him, but he hasn't a clue as to what she means, and, again, neither do we.  A not unreasonable guess is she wants Caleb to lead the human race to its own destruction, but why would Caleb due that?  All the revelations tonight about his past, including that he killed his friend, provide no motive for him to lead the human race to some kind of suicide - after all, Caleb only killed his friend after he realized that his friend was going to kill him.

Further, there's a wildcard in all of this.  In addition to Dolores and Caleb vs. Maeve and Serac, we also have the Man in Black, now in white, who realizes that his role is now to save the human race.  He's no ally of Serac, seeing as how he's not happy about Serac stealing his company, but he is human - I think - and therefore certainly not an ally of Dolores.  I say "I think" he's human because, on this show, you never really know sure.  He certainly was human.  But he's spent enough time in hospitals that who knows what could have been done to him.  But if I had to bet, I'd say he's human.

Next week is the finale of this short season, and what I will bet on is we won't get answers to all of these questions. Likely not even most of them.  But that's ok,  The series has been renewed.

They're coming out into the open, for the first time in centuries ....

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