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Derby Day!

Wine Club planned our outing to the Virginia Derby, at Colonial Downs, for months. We planned our outfits and our hats and then, as Murphy's Law dictates, the skies opened up and rain fell most of the day. Miranda and I luckily realized this early enough in the day to pull on our wellies, and I even grabbed my rain anorak. To quote the drunk guy who told us this twice: "Ya'll are the smartest people here." Here are some pictures from the day:

The drive to the racetrack wasn't encouraging...

Love the names! I said if I owned a racehorse, I'd name it "On Deadline."

We went over to the staging area where the horses are trotted out for the prospective betters. Some were feisty, some seemed sluggish, but it was hard to tell how that translates to the racetrack!

So we didn't have the best luck! lol

The best part about going to Derby is seeing all of the amazing fashions. Lauren made this amazing hat herself the night before! I'm thinking I have to step up my game if we ever go again!

I decorated my gold Target hat with fabric flower pins I've collected over the years. It was great fun, but by the end of the day, you would have thought I had been running! I yawned all the way home.

P.S. If you follow me on Instagram, you would've seen most of these pictures already! If you don't, follow me here.

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